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Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger habits 
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Post Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger habits
This is just a short little bit of writing about how I think, and how I play based on the "metagame," if you will, of Eden.

Rangers are the most versatile damage dealers. So much, in fact, that SEGA had to create satellite lizards and yowies in episode 4. As their name implies, they do their fighting at a range, allowing you to keep yourself out of the reach of your foes more than hunters, and most of the time kill the enemy before it even reaches melee range.

Because the role of rangers is pretty obvious, I'll jump straight into the classes:

Second highest ATA, and because he is a human, demon specials work to their fullest potential. Not much else to say, has level 15 techs.

Most well-rounded of the rangers. Level 20 techs, fairly high ATA, pretty much everything except for traps. Also, their HP pool is a little lacking.

The powerhouse of the rangers. Lacking spells to support themselves with, they can use traps to effectively control foes. Also, their high attack power decimates even the strongest of foes. Their HP (surprisingly...) is the highest of any class, allowing them to tank quite a bit. Their accuracy is also pretty high, so... Yeah. If you wanna hit hard, be a RAcast.

Highest ATA and decent ATP. Their trap gain is much slower than a RAcast's, but they'll still have all their traps by level 200. Useful for nailing specials such as hell and arrest. Demons works quite well, although reduced because they're robots. Also, they're cute. <3

Generally, when playing as a ranger, your skill comes down to two things: knowledge of your enemy's weaknesses, and assessment of your surroundings.

For example, when I see a swarm of Gis approaching me, my first instinct is to equip my hell needle and use normal>special>special.

When I see a single Hildelt, I switch to a set of mechguns to quickly take it down.

As a ranger, you're going to be carrying more weapons than any other class will. For each situation you're in, think about which weapon in your inventory would best handle the situations.

Most weapons classify into the following categories:
-Single target
-Multi target (span)
-Multi target (pierce)
-Multi target (splash)
-Special spam

-Single target
Yasminkov 9000M
L&K 38
Mille Mart----yeah, too lazy to spell right now D:
Guld Milla
Heaven Striker

These weapons target one foe, and specialize in taking down a specific foe quickly. These are best used on single strong enemies like hildelts, hildetorrs, belras, bringers, and Falz/Olga.

When you see one target, shoot one target with a one target gun. :3

--Multi target (span)
Dark Meteor (normal and heavy attack)
Baranz Launcher

These weapons don't do nearly as much damage per shot on one enemy, but they do an incredible job at crowd control. They target five (or four in the Baranz Launcher's case) enemies within a certain angle span (think of it like a V). Their purpose isn't so much to kill targets quickly, but to spread damage out on a much wider scale.

Also, these weapons are nice because the enemies can be fairly separated and you can still hit them from a distance. (Unlike splash, which requires the monsters to be close together)

If you want to whittle down the health of many enemies at once without having to worry about the enemies being close together... Use these weapons.

--Multi target (pierce)
Rianov 5
Dark Meteor (special attack)
Snow Queen

The projectiles produced by these weapons travel through enemies, rather than stopping once they hit. This allows you to hit enemies in a line, go figure.

Although these are less versatile than the span or the splash multi hit weapons, these are effective against lines of enemies, and the two worm-style bosses. (DRL and Barba Ray: Stand in front of their head and fire through their entire body.)

--Multi target (splash)
Ano Bazooka
Gi Gue Bazooka
Cannon Rouge (NOT CANNON ROGUE. >_>)

It explodes when you shoot. Pretty straight forward. Causes a large bubble of damage, splash damage if you will. Any enemies that gather in a close clump and bosses with multiple segments are prime targets for these weapons.

Also, a very important thing about bazookas: They can hit the dubswitches that kill Dubchics in the area while they're still hidden. (You know how you usually have to wait for them to drop from the ceiling to shoot them? Bazookas target them before they even drop!)

Use these on moths, massive hordes, any dragon, Gal Gryphon, Vol Opt... Oh, and dubswitches. (Bazookas can also be used effectively against DRL and Barba Ray, but I like to use piercing weapons.)

--Special Spam
Most S-rank weapons (non-zerk/spirit)
Snow Queen
Spread Needle
Bringer's Rifle

These weapons are used for the special attack they possess, quite obviously. Their normal and heavy attacks may not be the most powerful, but their special attacks are very useful.

These are much more situational weapons, and you'll pick up on when to use them with time. For example, using a Snow Queen to freeze a Baranz or a Delbiter is typically a good idea. This allows you to safely switch to your single target weapon and gun them down before they hurt you (a LOT).

While using these specials, it helps to keep the concept of single target versus multi target in mind, as well as splash, pierce and span damage. Develop a feel for your weapons.

Specials to know:
Hell - Gi, Reco/Reco boxes, squids in seabed, plants at seaside, red Sinows in episode 2...
Arrest/Paralyze - Hildelts/Hildetorrs, Dorphons, Girtablulus...
Demons - Delbiters, Girtablulus, Dorphons, EPSILON (<--If you don't use it on Epsilon, you'll be very sad in ultimate)...
Freeze/Blizzard - Delbiters, Sinows, Baranz...

Those are the most commonly useful specials.
Equipment suggestions:
After using whatever units you need to max out, I usually like to include the following:

V101: Necessity. Helps with maxing your stats, AND your battle speed.
Cure/All: Very few things suck more than getting shocked or paralyzed at an inconvenient time.
V502: Helps hell and a few other specials be more accurate.

Red Ring: A max stat RR has incredible defense, but what you really care about from this is the 20 ATA and extra luck it has to offer.
Ranger Wall: Cheap man's RR. Easy to get, still has the ATA boost.
Cat Ears: For when you REALLY just wann- okay, I'm kidding. They are cute, though. D:

This concludes yet another wonderful piece of junk to take with a grain of salt. <3

Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:43 am

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:46 pm
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Post Re: Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger hab
This helps a ton, definitely have a solid idea of what I wanna' work towards. Thanks!

Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:12 pm
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Post Re: Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger hab
This is a little outdated since RAcaseals now have the highest ATA and have deadly accuracy, especially with hell and arrest.

RAmars and RAmarls are still more flexible and are usually better in solo situations, though.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:54 pm

Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:28 am
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Post Re: Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger hab
and ra marls can use clio aswell great support .. oh and resta merge

GC: 42000843

all i heard was flaps ...and ping pong balls from that bangkok dude errr i mean girl


my tradelist >>>>

Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:01 pm
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Post Re: Karma's polite shove in the direction of nice ranger hab
Indeed, if you do not have a force in your party, RAmarls and HUneys make great hybrid supports.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:23 pm
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