Code Geass: The Jet-Black Renya
I know some of you are waiting and I can't wait for it to come out. I recently was reading into this and found out some more news. If you haven't watched this I recommend it. Its got great plot, character development, and characters. There is 2 seasons and 50 episodes out so not to long. I've watched it 3 times now and want to watch it again but already got other things to watch. The episode list seems to be accurate other then a few episodes seem to contradict on the names. The summary seem to contradict the episodes a little to saying that Suzaku is dead but he is still alive in episode 21, this could just be another plot twist which they love to do but we'll find out in a couple of months. Post anything you can add with a source and I'll add it to the main topic. This is free for discussion.
Release Date:Sometime in October of this year from what I've heard.
Summary of how it starts from what I've found. These are spoilers so don't read if you don't want it to be ruined."The title character, Renya, is a 17-year-old boy with a mechanical left arm and shuriken throwing stars as his weapon of choice. The story begins when Renya encounters a mysterious, perpetually young witch named “Reifū C.C.” C.C. has appeared in Japan’s historical Edo era to seek a new partner for a covenant. Meanwhile, a mysterious man, with a striking resemblance to the character Lelouch of the original anime, also appears with unknown intentions."
"World peace seemed to have been achieved however the world was facing a crisis of national interests again. Britannia Empire seemed to have been shattered but the nobles that have escaped demolition by Lelouch have created the New Britannia Empire and it has a new imperial majesty, a young prince that escaped Pendragon, claiming the New Britannia Empire will restore the world. The Assassins of the New Britannia Empire have assassinated Oogi Kaname, Prime Minister of Japan, the same also happened to Zero/Suzaku Kururugi. In light of this, each country are again thrown into a whirlpool of confusion." I find this a shock to see that Zero was killed especially with his geass curse. I feel bad for Oogi since he had a kid.
Episode List:Return1: Sun has returned to the Devil
Return2: Knight of Atonement
Return3: Lord of the twin
Return4: Kallen standing
Return5: Guren again
Return6: Peace desire
Return7: Emperor's promise
Return8: Britannian guardian
Return9: The weight of the mask
Return10: Lie
Return11: Zero punitive bill
Return12: Red
Return13: Iscariot
Return14: Qualifications
Return15: Remember the name CC
Return16: Start code
Return17: Shunaizeru Awakening
Return18: Reconnect Ragnarok
Return19: Selected
Return20: Third battle Tokyo
Return21: Determination of the Suzaku
Return22: Nunnally cries
Return23: Name of God
Return24: Prayer voices
Return25: Tsukurareshi friendly
Sources:http://www.anime-pulse.com/forum/viewto ... b81eb76b0chttp://www.dailyotaku.com/anime-news/co ... -season-3/http://www.anivide.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5543