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Un[der]appreciated Equipment 
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Post Un[der]appreciated Equipment
Eden is headed for a civil war, with one faction clamoring rather audibly for weapons diversity while the other, greater faction is content to use the same stuff that goes around and around. The latter doesn't bother me, per se. But there are plenty of items out there that are not only easy to get, but pretty useful in the right hands. If you're looking for some of this stuff, you can snag it for cheap on the forums. As far as weapons go, anything that isn't: PGF-related, Lame D'Argent, Master Raven/Last Swan, LK38, Psycho Wand, Hell-something, Iron Faust and Daylight Scar tends carry REASONABLE fair market values. Special shoutout to Team Flood; Roronoa and Nora are some of the most creative players I've ever seen. And to my boy Lske, who loves Red Handgun more than any HUmar should.

Slicer of Assassin. Yes, the special is reduced rather dramatically on slicers. But it still has rather fine uses; the purpose of the reduction is to make up for the fact that you are getting 8-12 chances to land a special on an enemy instead of the standard 3 chances. Pair it with a Thirteen for a free 30 hit. If you're already abusing Diska of Braveman's special and you have a Thirteen lying around, why not slot it and take it out for a test spin? It adds pretty good ATP and again, a free 30 hit. Use a V502 for best results.

Flight Fan. Bob asked me to.

Diska of Liberator. What a stupid looking weapon. But it is about 10x easier to get than a Rainbow Baton. You could find one with decent stats, pair it with a Smartlink and Thirteen, and then watch it go. If you're a cast with an S-Parts 2.01, you have even more reason to use it. Outrageous ATA + chaos bonuses? Holy balls.

Delsaber's Buster. Delsaber's hand, now an enemy weapon. Use it on Delsaber's for lol's. As with any enemy weapon, perks include: being able to add hit and pissing off enemies with trophies of their brethren. Pair it with a Delsaber's Shield for maximum trollage.

Kunai. It isn't worth a great amount of team points, so what else are you going to use it for? It's got arrest as its special instead of seize, which makes it rather potent. It doesn't add much ATA however, so you'd need to bolster its usefulness in any way possible (Red Ring/Heart of Coral, V501 etc). If the running-with-scissors animation doesn't bother you, try it out.

Flamberge. A poor man's Excalibur, this thing is easy to find and hits 3 enemies on Eden. It has spirit as its special, so it can be abused rather handily in the right hands.
Edit: confirmed equippable by Fonewearls. ATP requirements have been lowered significantly on Eden for this bad boy.

Galatine. Wow, this weapon is strong. The ATP can spike to as high as 1260, and the couple hundred beats before and after its max potency are also pretty unreasonable. This is one of Yellowboze's most underrated drops, and it just slays Vol Opt if you use it correctly. Like Kunai, it comes with a minor aesthetic problem: it looks like a big yellow phalus. Here's a list of the actual ATP values. ... ortby=name

Morning Glory. The name is nothing short of preposterous, but when paired with Morning Prayer, you are to be feared. Like the weapon above it, the ATP is variable, but it is very strong by default already. I'm not a huge fan of claws however, so I find that it is mostly worth using in select situations. But you want to be able to brag to your friends that you killed Olga with your Morning Glory. He never saw it coming.

Flapjack Flapper. It being female-only can be a bummer, but the unreduced gush is really great. You can refill your lifebar as a high level cast. It's especially useful against enemies that don't move, IE reco boxes. Smug bastards.

Heart of Poumn. I'll admit, I don't even use this weapon on my hunewearl. But it is really one of the best around. It boosts every stat if I recall, and Eden did it a service by changing it from a claw to a dagger. I did not see the point of this originally (because I am not particularly fond of dagger animations except with hucaseal). But a dagger hits more often than a claw. The special was originally spirit and then became something useless, so try not to let your finger slip there. You don't want to "burn" your opponent, you just want to kill it.

Kusanagi. This one, I like. I am not fan of the look, but it gets the job done. I carry a 30 hit one personally so I do not have to pair it with a Yasakani Magatama unit. But that is exactly what the unit does: provide a free 30 hit. For anyone wondering, it does not add to class limits. Your ATA can be maxed but if you have Kusanagi equipped, it adds to your ATA. The weapon has demons special and is not affected by reduction in any way. Everyone is trying to carry around hell weapons and V502s, but you will find in the tower that this is just a poor strategy. Demons works on every enemy as far as I know, and this is one of the best weapons for it. The pairing unit drops fairly easily; I can't even get rid of them fast enough.

Madam's Parasol. A lot of folks just go right for Tyrell's Parasol and I don't blame them. But Madam's has berserk special, which comes in handy if you value your meseta. It doubles your S/D range. Useful for ramarls/huneys/foneys.

S-Beat's Blade. Pay no attention to S-Red's; it's gotten enough glory. S-Beat's is way easier to get and has hell special. Not only that, you can add 50 hit to it!
Edit: not sure if the special is reduced or not, considering it is a dagger. Someone mind checking for me?

Rambling May. It's not going to a better DPS weapon than some of the alternatives out there, such as Charge Vulcan. But the special is useful and there are tons floating around right now because of the Christmas event. The 2 shots per attack is very useful for single target damage, and despite the animation being similar to that of Dark Meteor, I find that it fires much more quickly. You can pair it with Safety Heart for extra ATA.

Guld-Milla. Just checking to see if you're paying attention.

Ano Rifle. If you happen to have one sitting in the bank, know that it's got a fairly low ATA requirement, adds adequate ATA on its own and has arrest as its special.

Rage de Feu.
A ranger-exclusive mechgun, the ATP and ATA on this bad boy rival the UBER mechguns Guld Milla and Mille Marteaux. It also boasts a bit more range than the standard mechgun, and a burning special for use against Dark Falz.

Earth Wand Brownie. For battle forces, this weapon is awesome and it looks cool too. I don't think you can grind it however. According to PSO-World, the weapon adds 670 ATP. Unfortunately, it is hard to get. You have to subject yourself to hell on earth, AKA Mine Offensive. Godspeed.

Plantain Huge Fan.
Kind of expensive as you have to buy Magic Water, but a good partisan option for melee forces. 300+ ATP is about as high as standard partisans get, and forces are starved for multitarget weapons so this is a great option. The special is pure crap however, why it couldn't be awesome like the Plantain Fan I'll never know.

Valkyrie. This is another cool weapon. It restores 1 HP every 10 seconds; that's about as close to useless as you can get. But it adds very good ATP, and on Eden, all simple techs do 40% more damage when it is equipped. It is a nice alternative to summit moon for hybrid forces. As a bonus, it looks like you are knighting your teammates when you bestow upon them the gifts of Shifta and Deband.

Noteworthy Units, Armors & Shields

Trap/Vision: just generally useful on non-casts. Yes, you could also opt to carry 10 trap/visions.

Resist/Devil: the only non-rare that I'll list in this guide. It adds 15 to EDK and is surpassed by only Divine Protection, which works conditionally. Sometimes, having excellent resistances in all areas can be a liability. For example, the sorcerers in MAS1 can combo you with grants because they tend to fire it in succession. If your ELT is high, you may get taken out in one fell swoop. EDK is undoubtedly the most important resistance to take care of.

Divine/Protection: I don't think it doubles luck like the description says, but it adds 20 to ELT and to EDK on odd beats instead of one or the other. It is a must for quests like Simulator 2.0, and I am sad to see players throwing them out the window when they get them in BPD2.

Tripolic Reflector: The defense gained is pretty average, but the EVP is stellar. The shield adds Red Ring-like resistances, but takes a bit off of EFR/EIC/ETH in favor of modest EDK and ELT. It randomly nullifies elemental damage, which makes it very useful against Dark Falz.

Standstill Shield: For a long time, this one Symmetry's shield. I love the look, and it adds pretty good EFR/EIC/ETH. It's also really easy to get. Equippable at level 125.

Gratia: Not an easy drop by any means, but it is very handy. It adds good defense, great evasion and awesome resistances. Just don't bother using it with a Rianov-5.

Sacred Cloth
Sacred Cloth prevents paralysis, which Lske considers the most aggravating status effect in the game. Often times Cure/Paralysis is on Lske's loadout as a result, and Sacred Cloth would save a valuable slot unit that could go to another status or even a Heavenly/HP to make up for the average DFP (100 HP goes much further than 100 DFP). Max DFP Sacred Cloth is about the same as Crimson Coat.

Pretty low defensive stats outside of EDK, but this armor is a great deal for an offensive player as it gives a 50% ATP boost and 30 ATA boost to select slicers, namely Diska of Braveman. DoB has low base ATP so the 50% boost doesn't give it too much of a boost to base attacks, but coupled with its Berserk special you'll notice the damage difference immediately. The 30 ATA boost is basically 30 hit, so you can forego hit on your Braveman and focus on Attributes to push its damage even higher.

Cursed Cloak
It was only recently brought to my attention that Eden buffed the EDK on this garment. Originally, I believe it only offered modest EDK that was dwarfed by armors that weren't specifically meant to combat megid, like Aura Field. Cursed Cloak gives you a whopping 40, which is really quite nice. Your megid will pierce with this armor equipped too, so you can leave the Demonic Fork at home. From what I've seen, forces tend to go with either Aura Field for the high DFP or Mother Garb for the TP reduction. Cursed Cloak gives you nice defense, boosts the most important resistance and doesn't cost you precious TP.

Mother Garb
This one is often shunned because people prefer the "+" variation. But it also has the same quality as its more popular brother - namely, TP usage reduction. Sure, people prefer Crimson Coat over Red Coat and Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou over the other [japanese] sounding armors. There may be good reasons for that, but don't sleep on Mother Garb. Just because it is slightly weaker and offers a less spectacular Grants boost doesn't mean it can't be useful in any tech-heavy force's arsenal. Otherwise we should all just discard our Red Rings since they are outclassed by Heart of Coral.

Rico's Earring
People tend to skip this one and go right for Red Ring. But Rico's Earring is quite a good shield and it offers a unique visual effect. The EVP added is variable but can be among the highest in the game. EVP is a controversial statistic among gamers. Some find it useless, but I actually like it. You could set this up with Stealth Suit to create the ultimate dodging master.

Crimson Coat/Lieutenant Mantle/Brightness Circle/Guard Wave/Lieutenant Gear/Commander Uniform/DF Field/Luminous Field: Half of these are super easy drops on the right ID, some offer good resistances and some offer great visual effects to boot. The DF Field and Luminous Field aren't really underappreciated or particularly common, but I thought I'd add them in because they are equippable by any class like the rest of the armors. Is there any reason to use these over the max stat Aurafield or Electro Frame you're packing? Probably not. Admittedly, armors and shields are the one area I won't really experiment in. For serious play, you need to be equipped to survive. But these are just some options to think about.

Lske Op-Ed 1: Crimson Coat + Red Weapons
Crimson Coat is often discarded as a beginner armor because it's easy to find (as if top-level conformist apparel isn't easy to find) and has a low level requirement, coupled with its somewhat average DFP. However this armor has the best overall resists of any armor, a huge asset in many levels of Ultimate that easily makes up for the average DFP. Coupled with a good shield and maybe some Perfect/Resists and you're tanking every element in the game.

But one underappreciated aspect of this armor is the bonus it gives to Red Dagger and Red Slicer. Crimson Coat gives these weapons a 50% ATP boost and 22 ATA boost, both of which are fantastic. The weapons are already decently strong due to their high grind cap, but after the ATP and ATA bonus they hit the top of their respective weapon classes.

Red Dagger competes directly with Two Kamui, the strongest legit dagger, in both ATP and ATA, with the added perks of better special attack and having attributes to give it more punch against applicable enemies. The only real downside is this weapon is hunter only, and the special doesn't help casts.
Red Slicer with the bonus easily tops the rest of the game's slicers in ATP and ATA (bar event-only #edenlogic Izmaela). The one real downside to this is a terrible special attack. Any class bar FOnewearl can use this though, so if you find yourself using Crimson Coat then Red Slicer is a nice multitarget candidate.

Both weapons only lose the damage race to the berserkers of their class, Daylight Scar and Diska of Braveman respectively, but that's too be expected. After looking into this, I've added Red Slicer to my Wants list. The same boosts also apply to Red Saber, making it quite powerful, but single target/combo weapons are kind of meh and there's a lot of competition in Sabers.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:26 am
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Post Re: The Unappreciated Equipment Guide
This guide is nicely done and presents some good rarely seen combos =)

Flap Jack Flapper is really a must have on Hu/Ra-caseal => arrest => gush gush gush gush gush gush

Beside that, I really need to find an Ano Rifle for my racaseal.. and i'd add Flight Fan in your list.
Well, the special is useless for a lot of people as it is King or something, but it throws Fans :o

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Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:34 pm

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Post Re: The Unappreciated Equipment Guide
"Flamberge. A poor man's Excalibur, this thing is easy to find and hits 3 enemies on Eden. It has spirit as its special, so it can be abused rather handily in the right hands."

Shouldn't have laughed so much. :'D Nice read!

Wed May 20, 2015 8:10 am
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Post Re: The Unappreciated Equipment Guide
Vee wrote:
A few corrections:

  • Slicer of Assassin is useless. After reduction its success rate is 31%, which is not strong enough to affect anything on Ultimate. ATA only helps in activation check (not success), and V50½ applies after the EDK check per this guide, so it does not help the Slicer of Assassin special at all. If all of this info is correct (it should be), Slicer of Assassin's special will literally never succeed on Ultimate.

The game does not start you off on ultimate. You will need a weapon to use until you hit 90; intermediate equipment is easily found and has purpose. I do not have the means to confirm the other aspects of your post, although Villain does use a hell diska on one of his characters with moderate success, evidently.

  • Delsaber Buster is quite respectable, not just for "trolling." When coupled with the shield it reaches an astounding 700 ATP. The Shield itself is really nice for the 25 EDK, not many shields give an EDK boost of that caliber. Still though, it's hard to justify using it over something like Kusanagi (well forces can't use that, but they also can't use Shield of Delsaber!).

  • It is indeed very strong, and can work for you just like it works for the Delsabers. The shield is useful too. 25 EDK is solid, though the other resistances are not as good. It works well for niche quests like Rescue from Ragol, where the enemies won't totally punish you for weak defense but they will get on you in a hurry for bad EDK.

  • Heart of Poumn is completely ridiculous, you're underselling it. It has 695-715 ATP (crazy), 71 ATA (doubly crazy), and it also boosts Luck by 15 (other boosts are negligible). Paired with dagger animation that's giving it extreme DPS potential, it completely outclasses every other multihit melee weapon in the game (daggers, double sabers, twin swords). I'm hard pressed to call this under appreciated, it may be underused (largely due to class restriction) but it is simply too good of a weapon. I would say Rika's Claw is underrated however.

  • With respect to pedantry, underused items are under appreciated. Melee weapons will never outclass guns that hit hard and fast multiple times in DPS, which is why players tend not to use them. That bartle coming towards you can be dispatched a lot faster and from a distance with a mech gun than with any kind of melee weapon, even if the melee weapon hits multiple times (IE twin saber, dagger). The exception would be against episode 4 lizards.

  • Earth Wand Brownie is not very good. The stats are deceiving, it's still a wand so the animation sucks. Forces are better off using Morning Glory (especially if paired with Morning Prayer) or even Angry Fist over it.

  • Animations sometimes do suck, but that doesn't render the weapon useless. Earth Wand Brownie should also have its use against Vol Opt. This thread is not about picking only one item off the list and using it over the others. That's how every item on this list got passed up by the majority of players. There is a setting and use for everything on here.

  • Kunai...really?

  • Yes.

    Also I love that you dog on me for using Red Handgun then suggest no alternative. (ツ)

    You've already x'd out a bunch of equipment available to you. I haven't figured out the rationale behind what you will and won't use, so I don't think it is a productive use of time trying to convince you to use this or that.

    Thanks for the rest of the input, I will add it in ASAP. For a while, I also considered using Rage de Feu. I think people tend to go for Charge Vulcans though if they're going to be using mech guns.

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    Last edited by v2freak on Tue May 26, 2015 10:18 am, edited 3 times in total.

    Wed May 20, 2015 11:40 pm
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    Post Re: Un[der]appreciated Equipment
    Sweet Heart

    Rappy crit is the greatest threat to anyone

    Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:01 am
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    Tempest and Congeal cloaks

    Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:30 pm
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    D-parts free atp ^^

    Без кота́ мыша́м раздо́лье.

    Mon Aug 24, 2015 1:05 am
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    Rappy crit is the greatest threat to anyone

    Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:15 am
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    Post Re: Un[der]appreciated Equipment
    How about some explanations? I don't mind adding them but, I'd like to know what the reason is first. I have zero experience with Guardianna in particular.

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    Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:33 am
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    Post Re: Un[der]appreciated Equipment
    A bit of info regarding HoP and it having burn as its special: this was a mistake that was made unintentionally and has been corrected-- they should be back to spirit(in case anyone was unaware).

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    Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:59 am
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