If you're still having issues use a fantasy name generator.
They come in handy if you're looking for a interesting name thats unique and imaginative.
On one result i got these.
Aiethost Coment Gerrica Posse
Ansepth Culma Gourt Resthion
Anton Desman Hwitherene Rhudaurog
Berthelman Edigh Iannaylee Rodred
Botty Ewalagus Latuger Scolo
Brunoc Falaneshal Lilas Sloth
Caegern Feden Nardolynd Tigan
Caith Flaenus Ndalli Tremaillie
Carlet Forlein Nuriane Uruinn
Citabe Frouus Oratissa Vruurkatie
Here's the link to the generator: