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Lamest cheers 
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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:21 pm
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Post Lamest cheers
I'm sure some of your schools have some really lame cheers and I'd like to get a chuckle out of them.

There's one we have at our school that starts off with the lowest bass drum on the drumline roaring at the top of their lungs (badass) followed by playing a really sweet beat (also badass), but then when the rest of us come in, the band says the following:

"Hey, hey you, get out of the way, 'cause today is the day we will push you away."

It's totally cool until the last line. OH NO WE'RE GONNA PUSH YOU AWAY.

Totally doesn't live up to the groove's name, either. "Dragon." You'd think there'd be some chant about some dragon about to eat the other football team alive, like...

"Hey, hey you, get out of the way, 'cause HOT DAMN I'M A FIRE BREATHING DRAGON!"

Another one that's pretty lame... Freshman year of high school, we had this "house" program where they divided all the freshman up into separate groups and had each group in the same general classes. Each house had to come up with their own cheer, and Poseiden came up with this:

"Poseiden, woo! Poseiden, woo! Poseiden, woo!"

Way to show spirit, students.

So yeah, I'd love to hear any lame cheers your schools might have.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:16 pm
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Post Re: Lamest cheers
Gooooo Sharks!

Yeah, I'm not even kidding you. This was from a few years ago.

Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:49 pm
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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:42 pm
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Post Re: Lamest cheers

That actually made me laugh. But tell me what you think about these pre-conditions:

- Sucky band geeks. They're all posers, they think they're beast at everything just cuz they could play instruments. Oh wow. I could beat you at everything you're not good at, which is OH, EVERYTHING.
- Bitchy cheerleaders. Actually, there's only like 1 to 2 hot chicks that are literally smart in there, the rest are ugly and dumb, oh and they do frequent mistakes.
- Dancers are decent at their dancing, although most of them are ugly.
- Flag team = Fail
- Our school always loses their football games this year. We get pep rallies in hopes of making us win, but alas in vain, we suck.
- The opposing team's band/flag team dominates ours as every opposing team's bands/flag teams are award-winners.
- The opposing team's cheerleaders can do epic somersaults, front flips, side flips, cartwheels, and back flips.
- The opposing team always has good props while our school has none.


Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:46 pm
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