Re: To all Megaman fans, and non-fans alike...
Yes, some of the parts were pretty cheesy.
Yes, the fight scenes were kinda lame.
But I still thought it was overall a pretty decent movie. You also have to realize that this isn't an "official" movie, either. I'm sure if you gave a big name director the chance to do this movie, they'd make it a tad bit more professional... Maybe with slightly less humorous animations. (I couldn't help but laugh when he was on Wily's ship XD)
Here's a quote from a review later in the page:
If anything... the musical scoring was great. Proto man's theme was very well done. I was just waiting for his theme to show up, and when it finally did I shouted "YESSSSSSSS!"
Nice to finally see the final product after having seen the trailer long ago. Thanks Lau. :3
Also, I laughed pretty hard when Light said "we'll use this to track the status of the robots." INCOMING MM1 BOSS SELECT SCREEN.
(Who knew Mega Man sucked at Contra? lawl)