I made an Agastya with a black baby mag but you can barely see the glow on it at all.
I was wondering if I could get a color change.
I've heard before that you need Secret Tickets to do this but I can't find the thread on it. If this is true, I have some. However, I feel as if I wasted a Liberta Kit on this mag because I didn't know that a black mag would produce such a poor color.
Here is the (disappointing) mag:
http://s11.postimg.org/kzmrwem2b/pso1376170137.jpgHere's the other one, raised with it, for comparison:
http://s8.postimg.org/7uy3kn19x/pso1376170150.jpgHere's the mag stats and PBs:
http://s9.postimg.org/yi6eikchb/pso1376170222.jpghttp://s22.postimg.org/pl057yxf5/pso1376170227.jpgNote: I'm going to continue to feed this mag until a GM gets to this so it's power will go up, hopefully when a GM gets to me ingame they can color change it with it's current stats.
Thanks a lot.