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Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread. 
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Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:07 pm
Posts: 15
Post Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
Firstly, thanks to everyone who made this game worth playing again but iv moved on an don't see myself coming back any time soon hence this thread. I'v decided to make a game of this instead of a generic thread the idea is i will list just about every item I own an you IM me with which you'd like, simple right?

Theres a catch, ofcourse. you have to IM me the items you want in priority order, preferable numbered for long requests, you can ask for any number of items hell all of them if you so want but the catch is the item goes to whoever has it as there highest priority gets the item in a case of a tie it goes to whomever IM'd first.


person A sends his request first he wants
1. Dark Flow
2. Dark meteor
3. Excalibur

person B wants
1. Excalibur
2. Dark meteor
3. Dark Flow.

person A wins dark flow as its a higher priority an he wins dark meteor too as he was fastest to IM, person B just gets Excalibur as he had the highest priority on it.

just a reminder I accept ONLY IM's, peoples "bids" are meant to be confidential as is the idea of the gamble, posts in this thread WILL NOT count.

onto the item pool:
Dargon Slayer 10/0/10/0
asteron belt +9 15/0/20/0
chaos diska 50/50/0/0/30
burning diska 0/0/50/50/30
diska of liberator 15/10/0/0
varista 0/45/0/0
bravace 10/0/0/0
rainov 303SNR-5 0/35/15/0
L&K14 Combat 0/30/20/0/25
blizzard arms 50/0/0/50/50
crush bullet 0'd
club of zumiran 0'd
valkyrie 0/15/15/0
silence claw 30/0/0/0
agito (75) 0/30/35/0/20
agito (80) 0/0/30/0
agito (80) 10/0/5/0
holy ray 0/20/0/0/15
L&K38 combat 0/25/0/20
bringers rifle 0'd
PSYCHO wand 25/100/0/0 (yes, 100%)
chain sawd 15/20/0/0/35
Yamigarasu 0'd
elysion 0/0/0/20
Double Cannon 0/0/35/15/25
Twin chakram 0/10/15/0
Master Raven 0'd
Handgun:Milla (untekked) 0/10/0/5/5
last swan 0/0/15/35
last swan 0/0/30/0/15
red andgun 40/30/15/0
frozenshooter 30/25/0/0
frozenshooter 25/25/45/0
frozenshooter 0/0/30/0/30
frozenshooter 35/0/0/0/35
twin psychogun 0/0/10/0
dual bird 0'd
red mechgun 20/0/0/0
red mechgun 0/0/25/0
plaintan leaf 0/0/10/15
baranz launcher 0'd
Heart of Poumn 0/0/0/0/20
Yamato 15/0/0/25/15
Kamui 0'd
Kamui 0/15/25/0
phonon maser 15/0/0/20
flowens sword (auw 3079) 45/0/15/0
demolition comet 0/0/0/0/35
DARK FLOW 50/0/0/50/50
DARK METEOR 50/50/0/0/30
Slicer of fanatic 55/0/0/45
excalibur 0/0/0/20
ophelie seize 0/0/0/15/20
vivienne 25/20/0/15
vivienne 0/0/35/0
kusanagi 0/10/0/0
guren 0/0/15/0/15
guren 0/0/15/15
guren o'd
shouren 0'd
shouren 0'd
flamberge 0/15/0/30
yunchang 0'd
yunchang 0'd
snakespire 0'd
flapjack flapper 20/0/35/15
heaven striker 0/25/0/30
solferino 0'd
solferino 0'd
clio 0/10/0/10
tyrells parasol 0'd

flowens frame 0s
flowens frame 0s
virus armor:lauteria 4s (max stats)
aura field 1s (max def)
aura field 4s (5 off max def)
sacred cloth 0s
sacred cloth 2s
smoking plate 2s
star cuirass 0s
black odoshi domaru 0s
blue odoshi violet nimaidou 0s
red coat 1s
select cloak 0s
sprit cuirass 0s
allaince uniform 0s
crimson coat 1s
lieutenant gear 1s
lieutenant mantle 4s

sacred gaurd
custom barrior ver.00
Red Ring
Standstill shield (close to max, cba to check exactly how close)
blue ring
green ring
purple ring
striker plus
regen gear BP
yata mirrior
From The Depths
Stink shield

divine protection

sato 5/150/45/0
sato 5/145/50/0
agastya 5/120/25/50

anti 7
gifoie 20
zonde 20
resta 20
gizonde 20
resta 30

s beats arms
dragons claw
hildebears head
hildeblues head
parts of baranz
gal gryphons wing
star amplifier
photon drop x30 (counts as one item)
secret ticket x12 (counts as one item)
heaven striker coat
liberta kit
liberta kit

this "auction" ends in about a weeks time, whenever I have time ill post up who won what an ill be on in the lobby for 2-3 days after its your job to find me on or arrange a time during them days to hunt me down, unclaimed items after that will be given out in a open game till i cant find anyone to accept them or I get bored.

If any of the items in this auction where given to me (characters Raven/Rain/Atios/Kiros) an you'd like them back you've a week to say so an ill remove them.

PS daniel/mawls iv still got your spread needle.


Last edited by Raven88 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:06 pm

Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:07 pm
Posts: 15
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
oh, and please leave your character name in your bids too thanks!


Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:10 pm
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Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:27 pm
Posts: 389
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
Raven88 wrote:
Firstly, thanks to everyone who made this game worth playing again but iv moved on an don't see myself coming back any time soon hence this thread. I'v decided to make a game of this instead of a generic thread the idea is i will list just about every item I own an you IM me with which you'd like, simple right?

So i'll go back to being the only Raven on Eden? D;

Note that i'm Raven, your old and almost invisible admin, using Rupikachu just to avoid confusions with the 2-3 Ravens that play on the server.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:29 pm

Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:07 pm
Posts: 15
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
I did see another Raven when I was playing much more frequently, not for alilwhile tho so... maybe? :3

edit: another raven, other then you and I that is.


Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:31 pm

Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:07 pm
Posts: 15
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
Results are in, ill be online likly afk in lobby checking back every 10mins or so (estimate) for next couple evenings ethier wait in lobby for me to check back or send me your GC an ill message you when im back, i wont be playing after that anymore so if you dont get your winnings message me on here an we might sort out a time/date.

eternal - Darkflow, swan, double cannon, baranz launcher, From the depths
Jman - Max def aura, adept, sato 5/145/50/0
zacc - lib kit, anti 7
warx - v101, agastya
mayu - Dark meteor, pdx30, sato 5/150/45/0
hellsent- Red Ring, Excalibur
docta - Virus wear
villian - Pwand, asteron belt
darkblade1234 - milla (untekked)
elliyana - Regen gear BP, lib kit, god/body, state maint, smoking plate, solferino, v801, lieutenant mantle


Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:16 am
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Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:55 am
Posts: 14
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
Aww, nothing for me. :/
Good job to all winners and thank you Raven for the event. :)

Pew Pew-Ka Choo!!

Chu Chu'

Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:05 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:11 pm
Posts: 43
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
so this is over right? Can i get any of them pds still?

i saw some nice hit items i would have liked to ask for.

Joppy Humar
Rosenrot Ramarl
Zerstoren Fonewman
Error 101 Hucast

Discord Ramar
Malasky Fonewarl
(/\)(/\) Fonewman
Element115 Hunewarl

Robosexual Racast
M-Theory Racaseal
Velvet Fomarl
Chirmira Hucaseal

Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:54 am
Profile YIM
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Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:49 am
Posts: 506
Post Re: Raven's Gamble - a give-away thread.
That was 1 year ago, i think its done.
Its necroposting too :x

Am i the only French active player on Eden ?

Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:48 am
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