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Grouping : Raid on Central Tower/ Tips 
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Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:10 am
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Post Grouping : Raid on Central Tower/ Tips
I would like to gather interest with forum goers in starting active groups for Raid on Central Tower, throughout the rest of the post it will be abbreviated RoCT.

SO, you are interested in taking part in one of the HARDEST rewarding quest Eden has to offer?


Excellent! Let's start!!!!!

    If you are experienced in this quest please ignore and respond!
    Also if you have more tips, i'll be sure to write them down and credit you!

Basic Requirements:
FORCE with High level Shifta/Deband (absolutely necessary to run without excessive difficulty!)
Ranger with Frozen Shooter/Frozen Queen
Have at least one of each of these and your time will be much smoother!

2. Always keep track of how many moons your team has left.
3. Try your best to center Epsilon on the platform you're currently on, he can reek havoc (cannon) on your team mates if you put him in a corner.
4. Don't be afraid, kill everything, gotta get that SS rank!
5. Fences on the sides are Ill Gills worst enemy! (They can still shoot the dark mist at you though, so be careful!)
6. Fences that are in front of you can stop Mericarol/Mericus/Merikle's (Flowers) projectiles!

7. Don't try to tank the Flower's megid, it will kill you even with 1000 EDK resistance!
8. Del Lilies can drain your HP to 1, as well as TP! (Becareful to not be caught using psycho wand!!
9.You can run around Pink Meriicarol and Blue Flower Merikle to dodge their shots, don't try this with the Yellow Flower Mericus!!
10. Positioning is prime!
11. Keeping track of Photon Blast (PB) amount and asking team mates before progressing to next floor!
12. You can chain 2 of the same PB in a chain as long as they are not chained next to each other, each PB gets a number for when they chained, ex. 1, 2, 3 ,4. If you use the same PB as long as there was a PB to separate the gap ex. (1, 3) (2, 4) (1, 4) you will still chain and get the same bonuses.

Main Roles:
Forces keep the party buffed, and debuff enemies: USE REVERSER WHEN YOU HAVE TIME/ NO ENEMIES!

Rangers main goal is to stop everyone from getting annihilated from pretty much everything (pretty hostile environment!), how you accomplish this is by using Frozen Shooter/Queen and keeping enemies attacks down !

Hunters goal is DPS

Keep in mind this is generalized and any class can do DPS, experiment and figure out what works!

Mag Notice:
Have a mag that is suited to your character/mat build. Don't go in with a level 50 mag, have it close to cap if possible! (lvl200)

Essentials: Just a rough outline/coordination is more important
-1x+ Scapes Dolls
-x10 Moon Atomizers
-x10 Dimates
-x10 Trimates
-x10 Trifluids
-x10 Star Atomizers
-x10 Monomates
-Ranged Weapons preferred
-L&K 38
-Strong single target weapons
-Demon weapons
Suggested Armors:
-Aura Field 230+ DFP +20 EDK ELT
-Crimson Coat 150+ DFP +10 EFR EIC ETH +14 EDK ELT
-Blue Odoshi Violet 150+ DFP +8 All Resistances
Suggested Units:
-Attack Speed % units (Heavenly/battle, v101) (LK38 isn't affected by attack speed units)
-Smartlink (OP very helpful)
-Heavenly/Resist +12 All Resistance
-Burning/Resist +15 EFR

If you think anything needs to be added just let me know!

If you are interested please leave your in game name, and time/time zone and day(s) your free! I would like to have an active group(s) going throughout the quest with confidence!

I can leave a list of players that are interested as well if you don't mind!

ChiveyX: Level 197 HUcast Xavie/ Level 146 FOnewm Chivey FO
Time: Wed/Sat 8-10 p.m. Sun 12 p.m. (PST)

Xavie HUcast Lvl 19x
Chivey-X HUnewearl Lvl 16x
ChiveyXI RAcaseal Lvl 14x
Chivey FO FOnewm Lvl 14x
PSOinfinity Leader/Always recruiting, just let me know!
Interested in getting new Eden event, let's hear your thoughts! viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4252


Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:34 pm
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Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:49 am
Posts: 506
Post Re: Grouping : Raid on Central Tower/ Tips
I was used to do this quest with a chuchu fever ^^'
For the FO , try to use weapon who can boost range of support as tyrell parasol,
glide divine help to survive to Fire missile from epsilon.

Try to don't be in the middle of the room when killing the last mob of a spawn ....
if you don't to be take between two set of deadly murderer.

No more things come to my mind for now.

Am i the only French active player on Eden ?

Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:48 am
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